Why Invest in Indoor Plants? Are They Worth the Hassle?


For starters, we all know that plants produce oxygen. That’s the elementary stuff. However, we can all agree that our metropolitan cities lack greenery and are just stiff concrete jungles. Humans are inherently meant to connect with nature. Hence, we go out for hikes, swim on beaches, and plan outdoor picnics during vacations and holidays to rejuvenate and escape the depressing monotony. Having indoor plants helps you to connect with nature within the confines of your home itself. Whilst supplying oxygen, they also purify the air quality of your living space. The best part of the deal is that most of these plants are inexpensive and low maintenance. They also come with psychological benefits as taking care of another is also a form of self-care; it stimulates your mind and pushes you towards a healthier lifestyle.

Plants That You Can Add Indoors: A step Towards a Good Life life

Aloe Vera plant care

Plants not only look pretty, but they also come with tonnes of health benefits. In search of the general loveliness of indoor plants, we tend to miss out on this important factor. We have spent a lot of time home during the Covid 19 pandemic and the on and off lockdowns. People have started to realize the role of cute and healthy houseplants that contribute to your overall wellbeing. The best part? They ask for very little in return. Some plants are super low maintenance that you don’t have to worry about spending too much catering to their needs. They don’t even need much attention- just do the bare minimum, and they’ll flourish. One great thing about taking care of plants is that you can track your own health along with it. Looking at something grow due to your care makes you feel good about yourself, gives you a sense of accomplishment, and creates a beautiful bond with your plant. Different houseplants have different benefits. Some improve the air quality, and some help you sleep better. Some just help with the general mood upliftment.

  • Aloe Vera: you may know of this plant due to its multiple uses, such as treating sunburns, acting as a marvellous face and hair pack, and more. It can also be used as a healthy ingredient in juices, smoothies, and other healthy recipes. This plant is great at purifying air as it absorbs particles from cleaning agents, paints, and other chemicals that may be harmful to be around. Aloe Vera is an extremely low-maintenance plant and can grow rapidly so that you can put it to maximum use. It is an adorable plant, packed with health benefits, which you can move around easily as well. This plant makes for the perfect gift! So don’t wait; grab hold of this awesome all-around plant to up your wellness game.
  • Lavender: You’ve obviously been mesmerized by the fragrance of lavender at some point in your life. Be it lavender scented body oils, incense, or perfume; it is a blissful fragrance that never goes out of style. The major reason behind lavender’s popularity is its strong calming effect. The gentle aroma fills up your senses and de-stresses you. The best way to reap the optimum benefits of this Mediterranean herb is to keep it in your bedroom. The calming aura helps with anxiety, restlessness, depression, and improves the quality of sleep. Like most plants in this list, lavender is also pretty low maintenance; it just requires a good amount of sunlight and deep watering. So make sure you place it in a corner where it can bask in the sun and water it well when the soil is almost dry. This way, you can ensure longevity for this beautiful, soothing plant.
  • The Snake Plant: amount lovers and keepers of indoor plants and succulents, this one is quite popular owing to its air purification qualities. Like Aloe Vera purifies the air during the day, The Snake Plant purifies the air during the night while you snooze away peacefully. Inhale the pure oxygen as you sleep while this little guy works hard to absorb harmful airborne chemicals and particles to ensure your wellbeing. They get the name from their look- cute, snake-like, bushy. They’re the perfect addition to any aesthetic. They are super easy to care for and have a minimalist look which makes them the perfect gifting plant to loved ones. With this as a gift, you can convey how you care for the person’s wellbeing.
  • Boston Fern: Perfect for that forest vibe, ferns are amazing houseplants. Not only do they look pretty, but they also work super hard to purify the air around you by absorbing extremely harmful toxins present in the air. These toxins slowly but surely harm you in the long run, but the Boston Fern will act like your knight in shining armor and save the day! They absorb compounds such as formaldehyde, plastics, and smoke. Once these are absorbed, the plant turns them into compounds that it can put to its own use. These toxins become plant food that makes it grow lush and healthy.
  • With these plants in your home, take care of yourself and the ones you love. Happy planting!